I've always had mixed feelings about "selling" people on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and fitness. Of course people should have to pay for services provided by a coach or instructor, but living a healthy lifestyle is a choice and shouldn't cost anything... right?
Even if you can't afford a gym membership, you decide what to put in your body and how you spend your free time. Are you eating junk and laying around? Or are you eating whole foods and being active? This seems simple enough, but more often than not, people who live in poverty are not educated on the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
I don't want people to be dependent on an instructor or coach to hold their hand through every workout. I don't care about long term gym contracts that tie people to coming in to work out. I want to keep the gym open and available to all, like a Rec Center. More importantly, I want to instill the lifestyle changes and good habits that lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life.
This is why we became a foundation: to provide a safe haven and education for the people that can't afford $70+ a month to workout. I believe health and fitness should not be a luxury for those that can afford it. If anything it is a million times more important for those that have very little, because no matter how few material possessions you have, you should always have the choice and the means to treat your body well.
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